5 Ways To Self-Care This Week
1 – Say “No”
We hear this often but sometimes a reminder is needed. I know I often do. We need to remember that we don’t owe anyone anything. Ultimately, if we don’t feel great, we won’t be able to make others feel great either.
Say “yes” to you. If we don’t have the mental space for that phone call from a venting friend, are exhausted and want to stay in, whatever it may be. It is okay to say no and without guilt.
Personally, this is an area that still needs a lot of work. But also an area where I have grown over the years. I challenge you all to get comfortable being uncomfortable and practice saying “no”. YOU’VE GOT THIS. Comment below and tell us how this went or for more support!
2 – Drink Water
I could go on for days about the benefits of water. Water can impact whether our skin is dry or moist. Water can also help us feel more energized and awake (yes, more than that morning coffee!). So while we all take our sips of coffee, why not chase it with a glass of water.
Feeling sore? Water lubricates our muscles making us loose and less injury prone. So next time we feel “meh”, try a cold glass of water. Or try a warm mug of water with lemon. The results may surprise you!
3 – Exercise
This can be a stroll through the neighborhood, dancing in the living room or a 3-mile run. Whatever we choose, getting moving keeps us feeling energized and our minds clear. Call up a friend to join you or try going solo. Added bonus, we never know what we may experience when walking instead of using transportation. For me, walking has been my favorite way to experience NYC.
Check out my fitness page for more tips here!
4 – Do Nothing, and Be Okay With That
Personally, I struggle with this one. I feel like I always have to be doing something. A way to combat this can be writing a list. Identify what is making us feel anxious and narrow down what is attainable to get done on that day. Then go back later and note how much of that you got done. It is okay to not get everything on that list done. Doing this might help us relax and take time for some much-needed self care.
Do something that fulfills YOU
What would you love to do that you might not have done in a while? Identify and do that!
5 – Remind Yourself Of How Far You’ve Come
Think back to what you imagined for yourself when you were younger. Think about the life you’ve actually attained and how many incredible things that you’ve accomplished. Sometimes we get stuck on the idea of the path we thought we should be on when we were younger. But what is wrong with the path we’re on now? Nothing. Accept where you are right now and take a moment to be proud of yourself.
Accomplishments aren’t solely school and career successes. These can be resolving conflict, challenging communication skills with a tough relationship, trying something new, holding the door for someone, the list goes on! Big or small, these moments matter. I am confident that all who are reading can think back to numerous occasions when we’ve surprised ourselves.
All of the failures, experiences, relationships, career moves, etc. turned us into the sensational people that we are today. Take a moment to celebrate who you are and to celebrate others around you.